Short & easy activities for brain breaks

As all educational institutions are closed due to the Covid-19 lockdown, kids are at home all day, for a long time as of now. Being home all day, with no-s chool, deprives them of their social interaction, engaging in active learning and meaningful play. In addition to that, the demands of online sessions & expectations of parents & teachers puts an extra load of stress to a child's mind. Being a pediatric occupational therapist, I come across many parents who have this common complaint (especially during this lockdown period), that; their child is not so attentive in online classes, not interested to listen to the teacher or to follow instructions, taking frequent breaks in between the sessions, or showing unusual tantrums. Why ? Kids are not used to sitting in front of computers for extended periods of time or in one spot! They need to move, to interact with other children, to have a hands-on experience for an all round effective learning. You might think your kid...