15 Easy activities to build the proximal stability in children

What does proximal stability mean? This phrase basically means that the stability at the proximal structures of our body (the parts that are closest to the center of our body)– like our core muscles, muscles of our shoulders & the hips is utmost essential in order to have proper functioning and mobility in distal structures – like our legs and arms. How does proximal stability develop? Proximal stability starts developing from early childhood & are essential for a child to achieve his gross motor milestones. Stability first develops in the head and trunk. O nce a child has established a stable base, he starts to roll over, to sit up, and eventually reach with his arms, pull himself up, stand up, and walk. A child cannot accomplish all of this until the base is strong and stable. Does proximal stability affect handwriting skills? Having a good proximal stability is one of the foundational skills for handwriting. If a child doesn't have good proximal ...