Visual-Perceptual skills | The foundational skills for learning to read/write

What are Visual Perceptual skills? Visual perceptual skills refer to the abilities of our brain to make sense of what the eyes see . When we see something, our eyes send visual information to the brain. But, to make this information meaningful, the brain needs to interpret the information and make sense of it. Example:- Suppose we see an apple placed on a table. Our brain immediately interprets a lot of information about the apple like- the colour of the apple, the size of the apple, the number of apples, where is it placed(on a table), if there are other things near the apple, etc. Its the visual perceptual skills which allows our brain to process & make sense of an apple placed on a table. Why are visual perceptual skills important? We use visual perceptual skills every day for dressing, eating, reading, writing, coloring, and playing. Good visual perceptual skills are essential even for some simple tasks like:- ➤Finding the matching socks from the drawer,...