10 Fun activities to develop Motor planning skills in children

Rishu's mom called "Lunch is ready. I have made your favourite noodles. Come fast before it gets cold." 5-year-old Rishu was making a house with his Lego blocks. When mom called for lunch, she immediately started disassembling her "house". Then she put all the Lego blocks inside a large re-sealable bag, holding the bag with one hand, & putting the lego blocks inside using another hand. After making sure, she has put all her Lego blocks inside the re-sealable bag, she closed the seal using her fingers, put the bag inside his "Toy cartoon box", then ran to the dining table. There was a plate of noodles for her. She sat on her chair, adjusted it, then started eating her noodles using the fork. The dish was delicious. Rishu cleaned her plate without dropping any noodles here & there, then went to the kitchen to put the empty plate in the sink. The above set of actions refers to a normal daily task that seems very simple to us. But, in order to pe...