Know your senses

The bell rang. It was recess time for the Kindergarten children. Ayush was wondering what did his mom pack today for tiffin? As he reached out for his tiffin, he could smell orange, his favorite! After finishing his tiffin, he went to play football with his friends in the playground. Ayush was really good at this game. He was fast, could judge the direction, speed & distance from which the ball is coming & stop the ball easily while maintaining his balance & could easily score points. The bell rang. Recess is over. Now, the teacher is taking attendance. Still, some students are talking. Some are finding their seats. As Ayush was searching for a place to sit, the teacher called out his name. He responded, "present ma'am" & sat down at a desk waiting for the class to begin... In the above story, Ayush was using his different sensory systems in a coordinated way to perform the tasks. He used his visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, proprioceptiv...